george mason university
alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established at the University of California at Berkeley in the fall of 1989, and recognized by the College Panhellenic Association on February 7, 1990. The fourteen founding sisters: Betty Chu, Karin Co, Susan Kim, Nancy Lee, Sherri Leung, Annie Loo, Belinda Ma, Anita Ng, Serene Ngin, Fannie Pon, Josie Sun, Daisy Wu, Jill Yoshimura, and Reina Yuan, dedicated themselves to establishing a strong and lasting organization, which would provide Asian American women the opportunity to participate in the Greek system. Soon after being recognized by the College Panhellenic Association, the founding sisters brought together a diverse group of women who shared with them the goals of sisterhood, scholarship, and leadership. These ideals were to later set the foundation for alpha Kappa Delta Phi's purpose.
It is the sincere wish of the founding sisters that alpha Kappa Delta Phi continue to promote Asian Awareness in the community and leadership for women by providing each woman with the resources, unique sisterly support and understanding to achieve her goals in life.

In the Spring of 2015, ETERNAL (Encouraging, Traditions, Equally, Respecting, Noble, Asian-American, Leaders) was established at George Mason University by Ga-Hee Kim in order to begin her dream of creating a home away from home. Together with Nikki Tran, they brought together a group of eleven strong and passionate women to promote everlasting friendship, cultural awareness, academic excellence, service, and leadership. Soon enough, the members of ETERNAL came to consist of: Kayla Bui, Tammy Bui, Cindy Cua, Linh Hoang, Ga-Hee Kim, Hannah Lee, Victoria Nguyen, Chelsea Pragides, Annie Innsun Roh, Chelsea Song, and Nikki Tran.
In order to fulfill their vision of bringing a new Asian-American interest sorority to campus, they worked hard to create a name for themselves on campus and in the local community. They collaborated with fraternities and sororities to educate the community on leadership, cultural diversity, and service. Every October, ETERNAL would hold events dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness Month and donate all proceeds made to the Avon Foundation. Overall, ETERNAL did all that they could to give back to the community as well as the University on what they believed was important.