george mason university
As a sorority, we are first and foremost a sisterhood. Being in a sorority allows us to rely on each other, support each other, and be there for each other through thick and thin. We learn how to work together as a team and throughout it we also learn how to help each other grow into strong and confident women. Besides our usual hang outs, our sisters regularly hold sisterhood events so we can all sit back and relax while catching up on each other's lives. Because of alpha Kappa Delta Phi, we have found our home away from home.
alpha Kappa Delta Phi provides sisters with a vast international network. Whether you're in California, New York, or even Toronto, there is always a sister there for you no matter what. Through meeting the many sisters from all around the country, you are able to create everlasting friendships and memories that will last you a lifetime.

As students of George Mason University and sisters of aKDPhi, we value the importance of academics and strive to maintain high academic excellence. Each sister has the potential to be successful and we strive to help each sister in doing just that.
We understand that at times, school can get tough. Our academic chair consistently monitors the GPA's of all active sisters to make sure that each sister is on top of their game and to be there to help them if necessary. If a sister is struggling academically, she will reach out to see what she can do to help (whether the help is from her, another sister, or school resources) and implement study hours as needed. Through the overall help of our active sisters and alumni, each sister can aim to accomplish their personal and academic goals.
alpha Kappa Delta Phi encourages our girls to explore their leadership capabilities and skills through various leadership opportunities and experiences. In doing so, our sisters are able to learn important life-long skills that will benefit them in the near future.
Within the sorority, sisters are encouraged to try out several positions throughout her time as an active member and challenge herself. Many of our sisters also hold (or have held) executive-board positions in of the many organizations on campus including, but not limited to: Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), Filipino Cultural Association (FCA), Korean Student Association (KSA), Vietnamese Student Association (VSA), the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS), and Asian Pacific American Coalition (APAC).

As a sorority, it is always important to give back to the community and promote our philanthropy. Our goal is to make a difference, big or small, to help benefit those around us. alpha Kappa Delta Phi's national philanthropy is breast cancer; we have volunteered yearly at DC's Making Strides Walk to help the fight against breast cancer and have held several events on campus for Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Month. Keep an eye out every October (BCA month) to see what events we have in store for you!
Aside form our philanthropy work, we have participated in numerous community service events and each year we continue to strive to increase the number of service opportunities we are engaged in. We believe that by reaching out and giving back to our community, we will be able to take the necessary steps to make our community a better place.
Many of our sisters here at GMU come from various ethnic backgrounds; we strive to embrace our unique backgrounds as well as understand the background of each other. Many of our sisters are Asian-Americans and as Asian-Americans, we believe that it is important to inform and educate the community and University about Asian-American issues and share with others on the specifics of the Asian culture.
Our culture chair as well as our sisters promote Asian-awareness by hosting various cultural events that allows others to be more aware of our cultures. We also support many of the Asian-American organizations on our campus by attending their events throughout the year. It is always great seeing our sisters as well as the many members from other Asian-American organizations come together to promote Asian-awareness on our campus.